Wednesday, January 1, 2014's a fresh start

I love the first Day of the month because it's Currently time!!  Time to link up with Farley at Oh Boy Fourth Grade and see what every one is doing.

Most everything is self explanatory.  I love Christmas, my decorations, the quiet and peaceful feeling when I am sitting at night or early morning and the only light is from the tree and whatever candles I happen to light.  On Christmas Eve, we break out every oil lamp I can find and read and sing the Christmas story from the bible.  On Christmas Eve I also light a bayberry candle (an ode to my mother and our New England traditions). 

New Year's Day has always been about the parades for me.  Growing up it was the Mummer's Parade in Philadelphia and since I moved west the Rose Parade has become important.  Our small town high school band has been three times.  Twice I have gone as a chaperone.  I loved it!  So now we check it out every January 1st.

I have a long list of projects I wanted to accomplish over Christmas break.  Most of them are related to my New Year Goal of living more simply.  I need to hurry though....time is slipping by and I do not have much checked off my list.

What are you currently up to?


  1. I love oil lamps... what a beautiful tradition you have!
    Don't you wish we could extend our vacation an extra week? I'm right there with you with running out of time and having way too much left on my To-Do list :-)

    Seconds at the Beach

  2. Omg, I love Christmas tooo and especially all the decorations. Wishing you a Happy new year!;)

