Saturday, February 8, 2014

100 Days of Learning....100 Days of Fun

Since when did the 100th day get to be such a big deal?  Not exactly sure but as you can see I embraced my 100 year old self.

Some days you plan and plan and get it all set in your head....the BAM!!  The students come and everything changes.

I was all set.   Snowballs were in place.  My brain said that my students would see the snowballs and get excited, but start on their bell work anyway.....WRONG!  My little dive and roll on the carpet guy found the first one and grabbed it.  Then my other little squirrely ones started to grab and show me what they found.  Most started to settle into their bell work.  Finally had everyone sitting so I could take attendance....but those little squirrels kept jumping up and the then others wanted to join in.  Oh what the heck....go find 100 snowballs!  We will do this other stuff when we get get the snowballs found.

I had several of my wonderful moms there and I had the students give them the snowballs they found.  They put them onto butcher paper in  pyramids of 10.

 This was a great and exciting start to a fun filled day (definitely on the list to do again next year).

We spent the morning in centers:
Hats with 100 dots.  My mom helpers helped with this.  Because of them, rotations went smoothly and everyone was able to finish each center activity.  Rotation went basically in a circle and as they finished one they went to the next.  When my moms ran out of students they pulled from other centers and the activities that took longer didn't get too bottle-necked.

Making 100 with pattern blocks:

Counting by 10s with Zero the Hero:

100 fruit loop necklaces:

Building with 100 red solo cups....the FAVORITE!!

The afternoon was making this book from Maria Manore:

and making these puzzles with our reading buddies.

We danced with Dr. Jean

and sang with Debbie Clement,

and Harry Kindergarten.

We ate our 100 piece snack and it was time to go home. 

Whew....busy day


  1. Your profile sounds life something I wrote. Thanks for te great 100 day activity ideas! Blessings, Barb
