I had never been a fan of word walls. In second and third grade, I liked personal dictionaries much better. They seemed more useful.
Maybe I just didn't know how to use them. I bought them, I put them up, but they just sat there on my wall taking up space.
But then I moved to Kindergarten. Word walls seemed more important. So I was off to do some research. Mostly Pinterest and Blog Stalking more than anything else. Two things I realized, I wanted my wall to have boxes (all the brain research that everyone was quoting) and I needed to find a way to use it...not just look at it.
Next I used blue painters tape to make my boxes. Punch out letters for each box and I was ready to go! Now how to use it?
I can be, well, lazy. I had lots of great ideas...but could never settled on just one. When it came time to add a sight word to the wall I did not have anything fancy or clever or cute prepared...so I just wrote the word with a dry erase marker. Of course I had my kiddos tell me how to spell it, and we made a really big deal of putting it on wall. Now that it is on the wall we should know it, and use it in our writing, and read it...you know the drill. We are smart now!
They loved it! I loved it! But there should be even more.
I'd like to know ....
How do you use your word wall?
Where do you have your word wall...is it on a bulletin board, above a bulletin board, on a file folder, just on a wall?
Do you put all the words on at once, or does your wall grow as the year progresses?
What a great idea!!! When I put the book together I was imaging teachers cutting out each song and holding them together with a little ring. This is even better!! Glad you found me helpful. Haha! Thanks for sharing :) I'm going to share this on my fb page, is that ok?
I LOVE your word wall!! I have not been very good at using a word wall either. I am trying a "WHOORAY for WORDS" bulletin board this year where I post new 4th grade math words (I think??) and either definitions or pictures the students come up with. I am not quite sure yet?!? hmmm...Thank you for stopping by my blog and I am your newest follower:)
Fourth Grade Flipper
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