Tuesday, January 29, 2013


It's Cowboy Poetry time!!  Yee Haw!  I love it!

I love it because I can wear jeans all week and really old cowboy stuff and no one will say anything.  I love it because we get some top notch entertainment coming to town and to our schools.  I love it because cowboys are real and even the town kids can get a taste of what living on a ranch is like.

Now don't go thinking that rough and tumble cowboys would never write poetry.  Where do you think those old time cowboy songs came from?  A man has a lot of time on a horse to ponder and think and make up stories and rhymes. 

Here is just a peek at some of what we will be doing.

I found this poem at the Virtual Vine:
Isn't that just too cute?  We will perform it for the other Kindergarten classes and our Reading Buddies.  Hopefully some of my students will make it to the open youth session and perform it for a "real audience".

We have already started our learning about cowboys.  We had one assembly today (Italian cowboys) and another tomorrow, we have a dad singing for us on Friday and one student is bringing his horse.  A buckaroo breakfast with our reading buddies and a picture taking session is also on tap for this week. 

We are working on our anchor chart, beginning with what we already know, our schema  (yay...this year no one told me that cowboys shoot Indians....so I don't have to worry about fixing that misconception).

We will add lots of new information to this chart.  Using what we are learning we will label a cowboy, build a tree map with Cowboys...have, can, and are.  Then each day we write and draw about cowboys using our new information creating a little non-fiction book that hopefully will go home on Friday.

We will put cowboys into just about everything.  I will be using this from the Resource(ful) Room
and this from homeschoolcreations.com
and this. 

I love this website from the National Cowboy Museum, lots of fun for the kids, especially the songs.  My kiddos begged to hear them again today.  Maybe we will have to try singing a song along with our poem.  They almost have I Love To Ride My Pony memorized.

But this is us....National Cowboy Poetry Gathering.  There are live podcasts and YouTube videos so everyone can join in on the fun.  I am still working on a couple of things for my own centers.  They are not quite done...so stop back tomorrow for a Race to the Top and Missing Addend cowboy style freebie. 


  1. Thanks for the shout out! I am so glad you can use my unit!!
    The Resource(ful)Room!

    1. You put a lot of work into it...I hope others will use it too. We are having fun.
